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Mechanisms of Morphogenesis de Jamie Davies

Descripción - Críticas 'Davies retains from the first edition the concentration on morphogenesis itself…with other aspects of development taken for granted, and the organization that progresses in size from the sub-cellular systems critical for larger scale morphogenesis to mechanisms that concern whole population of cells… to keep the textbook manageable, he has presented some material more succinctly, such as the morphogenesis of sub-cellular structures.', January 2014 Reseña del editor Morphogenesis is the set of processes that generate shape and form in the embryo--an important area within developmental biology. An exciting and up-to-the-minute account of the very latest research into the factors that create biological form, Mechanisms of Morphogenesis, second edition is a text reference on the mechanisms of cell and tissue morphogenesis in a diverse array of organisms, including prokaryotes, animals, plants and fungi. By combining hard data with computer modeling, Mechanisms of Morphogenesis, second edition equips readers with a much broader understanding of the scope of modern research than is otherwise available. The book focuses on the ways in which the genetic program is translated to generate cell shape, to direct cell migration, and to produce the shape, form and rates of growth of the various tissues. Each topic is illustrated with experimental data from real systems, with particular reference to gaps in current knowledge and pointers to future Includes over 200 four-color figuresOffers an integrated view of theoretical developmental biology and computer modelling with laboratory-based discoveriesCovers experimental techniques as a guide to the readerOrganized around principles and mechanisms, using them to integrate discoveries from a range of organisms and systems Biografía del autor Since 1995 Davies has run his own laboratory at the University of Edinburgh, with a multidisciplinary focus on discovering how mammalian organs construct themselves and how we can use apply knowledge to build new tissues and organs for those in need. Some of the work of his 20-strong research team is 'conventional' developmental biology; identifying signals and mechanisms used in natural organ development. Some is bioinformatic analysis (we host the editorial office of an international database for renal development - - funded by the USA National Institutes of Health, and the database, an international effort for the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology). Some of his work is in tissue engineering - his lab has recently developed a method to produce engineered 'fetal kidneys' from simple suspensions of stem cells, an activity that attracted considerable press attention last year. Finally, his lab is pioneering the application of synthetic biology techniques to tissue engineering, to 'program' cells to make structures that are designed rather than evolved. Davies has published around 140 research papers in the field of mammalian development, has published one major specialist monograph (Mechanisms of Morphogenesis, Elsevier, 2005 2nd Ed 2014), one public engagement book (Life Unfoloding, OUP, 2013 (Hardback), 2015 (paperback), now in translation also) and has edited three multi-author books in the fields of development, stem cells and tissue engineering. His contributions to research and teaching in this area have been recognized by having been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Davies served as Deputy Chair of the National Centre for 3Rs, a government agency that promotes research that refines, reduces or replaces animal experiments. He has also served as Editor-in-Chief of the research journal Organogenesis for 8 years, and is currently an Editor of Journal of Anatomy and PLOS One.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Mechanisms of Morphogenesis
  • Autor: Jamie Davies
  • Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Ciencia y matemáticas
  • Tamaño del archivo: 17 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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